Dr. Vijay Kanuru

Cancer Nanomedicine:

The right drug for the right
patient at the right time


Integrative Oncology Expert
Onco-Nutrition Specialist
Immuno Oncology Scientist

PhD Nanomedicine Cambridge
CME Cancer Survivorship
Stanford Medical School
Immuno Oncology Harvard
Medical School

Dr. Kanuru is a leading Cancer Nano Medicine Inventor and Clinical Research Scientist, who is on a mission to conquer the lethality of cancers with advanced bio-nanotechnologies and artificial intelligence. The genesis of his cancer nanomedicine mission in a way started when he was perturbed to know that his friend developed a brain malignancy in Cambridge. He is deeply rooted in science and innovation to transform new ideas and discoveries into medicines for patients with serious illnesses.

Dr. Kanuru’s cancer nanomedicine concepts, technologies, inventions and innovations made a difference to thousands of lives in India and parts of the world. He advises patient’s care givers on the proper use of herbs and dietary supplements so that they may experience potential benefits while avoiding their pleiotropic side effects using Nano sciences and Artificial Intelligence.

Dr. Kanuru continues to make pioneering contributions in the discovery and development of clinically proven over the counter OTC cancer nanomedicines and therapeutic grade Onco-nutraceutic products for the treatment, management and prevention of cancers. His research enterprise Oncocur India develops prognostic cancer treatments with digital drugs, microneedle patches and currently working on denovo nano drug delivery to brain.

Dr. Kanuru got a PhD in nanosciences at the Cambridge University UK and received Continuing Medical Education in Immuno Oncology from Harvard Medical School and attended Cancer Survivorship programs of Stanford Medical School USA.

Dr. Kanuru’s Harmonised Classifcation

Holistic Cancer Treatment Approach

Drivers of Cancers

New treaments based on nanoparticles and digital drugs are changing once deadly forms of the disease into manageable long-term illness. But, not all patients are benefitting, the principle reason reductionist universal approach instead of systemic Patient centric tailored treatment of cancers with integrated complementary approach. Nanomedicine offers innumerable modalities for the treatment, prevention and managent of cancers.

Doctors do not know exactly why or how cancers can go dormant in a patient’s body for so long, not advancing for years, until it suddenly begins to grow. Nanotechnology offers whole new understanding of cancers in subcellular and molecular Levels. Biomedical nanosciences shed light on underlying biomolecular organisations and cellular processes mediated by Metatstais leading to aggressive recurrences . Cancer nanomedicine unlike commercial drugs offers new treatment options which we couldn’t even think of a decade before.

I constantly strive for new innovations for the patient impact and sustainability– all our research endeavors translates to patient benefit so that they can manage and fight cancer effectively. Identifying a new molecular target that we could potentially develop a nanomedicine for; developing a nanodrug for more efficiency and providing to needy patients quickly. All of it comes back to the patient. That is what inspires me so much